Monday, August 31, 2009

Hello, educators and librarians. Some of you have school addresses and I know some cannot receive my emails because of your filters. Everyone with a school or district email I am re-sending you my message as individuals in that way it will be more likely you will receive it. If you already received my email last week, I am sorry for sending it twice. Art

Hello Family, Friends, Fans and educators. As I told you in my last email, I am not only revising East Side Dreams but I wrote a screenplay for East Side Dreams. The email I wrote last week will be at the end of this email because I found around 100 more emails of people who had written to me in another file that I added to this mailing list. So in case you did not read the last email it is here at the end.
If you are an educator or a student, school is starting up again and if you would like me to give a talk at your school, please email me and we can set it up. I also give talks to staff.
I am done with my first screenplay. I started working on East Side Dreams part 2. However, as I said, I will try to get this screenplay into a movie. If you want to help, in a few days I will send you an address or email of a studio to where you can write to request it to be a movie. However, if you have contacts please send this screenplay to them and see what you can do to get someone in the movie business to look at it. If a studio would rather write their own script of East Side Dreams and not use mine that is OK with me, as long as it becomes a movie. I did receive responses from some of you who have connections in the movie business. Some of you said you will help and forward the screenplay or talk to people you know about it. That will be great, as I said; I can use all the help I can get.
If you are an educator or a librarian, see if you can get your students to be willing to write letters to the large studios, they can find them online.
I think the best way is for all who have connections with the movie business by passing this on, maybe someone will pick it up. Then if all fails, then we will write letters. Enjoy the screenplay if you get a chance to read it. Let me know how you like it. If you see anything that you think it needs or should be changed, by all means, let me know.
Oh, yes, one more thing. If any schools would like to use the screenplay or part if it for a play that is fine, you have my permission. I am not worried about it being stolen because it is copyrighted as soon as I wrote it and even more so because it comes from my book that I authored. Schools and classes are welcome to use it if they would like. (After the fact) If you would like a copy of my screenplay, email me and I will send it to you.
Art Rodriguez

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